Burhan Selmani

Strateg për marketing.

Да станеме партнери!

Дозволете ми да ви помогнам заедно вашиот бизнис да го однесеме еден чекор подалеку од конкурентите, да добиеме екстра позиција на социјалните мрежи и да ги зголемиме продажбите.

Спремни да почнеме?

  • Trust: Customers buy it, employees feel it and investors demand it

    In business, trust isn’t just a nice-to-have; it’s what makes customers keep coming back, makes employees actually want to work, and gets investors to, like,…

  • Discounts vs Bonuses

    Running discounts attracts broke people. Bonuses that save time attract rich people. The words you use shape the audience you attract. “Discounts” scream affordability and…

  • Discounts Aren’t Savings

    If something costs $2,000 and is on sale for $1,500, you didn’t save $500—you spent $1,500. Don’t buy things you don’t need. Discounts can create…

  • The Two-Minute Rule

    Do you remember the Eisenhower Matrix I mentioned previously for prioritizing your tasks? Here’s a quick tip: If a task takes two minutes or less,…

  • Why I Believe a Mobile-Friendly Webstore Design is Crucial

    🎈 Mia was on her way to her niece’s birthday party, excited with a gift in hand—a colorful toy she had carefully picked out. 😱…