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Спремни да почнеме?
Give the fire wood and it will give you heat
In business, as in life, the principle is simple: “Give the fire a wood, and it will give you the heat.” Too often, we expect…
Passive Consumers and the Future of eCommerce
Today’s youth are becoming passive content consumers, relying on curated feeds instead of actively seeking knowledge. This shift isn’t just shaping their digital habits—it’s transforming…
Product titles I know Google rewards
When it comes to e-commerce, your product titles can make or break your success. Google rewards clarity and relevance, which means it’s crucial to communicate…
North Macedonia’s Business Potential according to the B-READY 2024 Report
The World Bank’s new Business Ready (B-READY) 2024 report provides us with a treasure trove of insights. I have meticulously examined the B-READY data, and…