Author: Burhan Selmani
Why a Clean and Responsive Website Design is Essential for eCommerce Success
As someone deeply immersed in eCommerce marketing, I can’t stress enough the importance of having a clean and responsive website design. In a world where…
How to Decline a Long-Term Client While Keeping the Door Open
As freelancers and creatives, we often find ourselves in the rewarding yet challenging position of building long-term relationships with clients. These partnerships can lead to…
Sa me i lypë dajës për një uebsajt?
Këto ditë rastësisht në një ndejë u takova me një dajo të largët që kishte ardhur për pushime në vendlindje. Kishte dëgjuar se krijoj uebfaqe,…
The Decline of the German Economy: What’s Going Wrong?
German business model was based on: All three are gone by now, but German politicians and unions are still mentally stuck in a world that…
Зошто германската економија сѐ повеќе затајува
Германскиот бизнис модел се заснова на: Сите три работи веќе ги нема, но германските политичари и синдикати сè уште се ментално заглавени во свет кој…