Category: Biznes
What is (not) needed for a profitable business
– you don’t need a logo, – you don’t need a website, – you don’t need social media, – you need customers. If you can’t…
No matter how small your business is, be proud of it!
A small cart from which he sells hot dogs, for him it’s a whole business. Maybe he’s taking photos for an Instagram post, or maybe…
You Can’t Make Clients Choose You, But You Can Ensure They Remember You
Ensure you’re always top of mind with clients by maintaining consistent, valuable communication, so when they’re ready to choose, they remember you, not your competitors.
Fokusi te krijimi i zgjidhjeve, ju lutem!
Në biznes, shpesh ankohemi se punët nuk po na ecin mirë; Punonjës që nuk kujdesen, klientë që duan vetëm çmim më të lirë, se qeveria…