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Better Instagram Captions

Analyze Instagram captions before hit the Publish button

Analyze Instagram Limits for

Text length, Hashtags, Mentions, Emojis, Power words, Profanity words, Call to actions…

Download Youtube Comments

Provide the Youtube video ID and get a .csv file with all the comments

Get Video Details

Commenter’s name, Comment, Time, Likes, Reply Count, Reply Author, Reply Comment, Updated Time (if so)

Download Tiktok Comments

Provide the Tiktok video URL and get a .csv file with the comments

Get Video Details

Comment, Nickname, User Location, Comment Language, Follower Count, Username, uid…

Image to #Hashtags

Drop your image and see what Instagram thinks it’s about

Image to #Hashtags

Get a list of #hashtags generated by Instagram’s Eye Vision for your image.